The Pucking Fuppet Co. provides puppetry coaching. Are you an individual needing a quick online session? A theatre company needing a Puppetry Consultant? Or an institution hoping to offer a workshop? Don't hesitate to reach out.
Puppetry Direction
What is a Puppetry Consultant or a Puppetry Director? Think of it like a Fight Director, or an Intimacy Coach. Specialized areas of performance require specialists to make productions as safe and professional as possible. Do not hesitate to reach out to talk about what this might mean for your individual production. Maybe it's an hour of rehearsal time with a coach, or maybe it's someone in the room for the entire rehearsal process. We are happy to recommend puppetry professionals from other regions, specialties, price ranges, etc. even if they're not a part of our company. We just want you to have good puppets!
We have played with everyone from professional theatre companies like Neptune Theatre, to a bunch of conflict resolution lawyers (yes, really). Our workshops are always engaging and fun.
Workshops can be tailored to your specific needs but here are the two main types we offer:
Workshops can be tailored to your specific needs but here are the two main types we offer:
Puppetry 101: How do you use a puppet? How to you breath life into an inanimate object? What are the take aways for your particular area of interest or study? This is a totally hands-on and fun workshop (and you get to keep the googly eyes!)
Puppet-Building 101: How do you take a pile of fluff and foam and turn it into a living, breathing character? Learn the basic skills it takes to make a puppet so that you can go forth and figure out how to build whatever you can dream up. We bring the patterns and the materials (spoiler alert: you can find most of them at the dollar store, no matter how professional the puppet!)