THE FAMILY CROW: A Murder Mystery is an hour-long theatrical comedy, puppet murder mystery created by internationally celebrated puppeteer Adam Francis Proulx, and directed by Byron Laviolette of Morro and Jasp fame.
Puppets! Puns! Murder!
A mysterious murder has occurred amidst the Family Crow and now Horatio P. Corvus (Sorter Outer of Murders) is on the scene to crack the case. Eat your heart out, Agatha Crowstie.
Production Crowtographs
Photos by Dahlia Katz.
The Critics Are Raven!
"Killer Comedy!"
"Highly Recommended!"
"Creative vision, superb execution, a dollop of weirdness — and, of course, eye-rolling puns."
"It’s a daffy mixture of Agatha Christie meets "Airplane.""
"Seriously funny highflying fun."
-Orlando Sentinel-
“This silly whodunnit packed with puns is a hoot.”
-The Montréal Gazette's Pat Donnelly-
"Best of Fest!"
"Adam Francis Proulx is a muppety maestro."
"A riveting tale of violence, betrayal and wonderfully terrible word play."
-Orlando Weekly-
“As amusing as it is imaginative.”
“A narrative that is absolutely delicious.”
“Well put together and perfectly tuned.”
-Revue Jeu, Montréal-
"You forget about time and the fact that it’s only one man onstage."
"A well thought-out mixture of tension and humor."
"I recommend the show to anyone!"
"The best puppet work I’ve seen in a while."
"Definitely a must-see!"
-CJSF, Vancouver-
"Flock to Adam Francis Proulx’s delightfully atmospheric The Family Crow."
" that is full of groan-worthy puns, genuine stage magic and a fun whodunnit to solve."
-Glenn Sumi, NOW Magazine, Toronto-
"A ghoulish, screwball delight from start to finish."
"I was completely swept up in this facetious yarn and his intense showmanship."
"The show fosters a giddy sense of communal intrigue and appreciation."
"His leaps between [characters] are fluid, dynamic and somewhat breathtaking."
-Istvan Dugalin, Toronto-
"Family Crow is not only hilarious and a cracking good mystery yarn, it is a remarkable showcase for Adam Proulx."
-Drew Rowsome, My Gay Toronto-
“Full of murder, intrigue, and more puns than you can fathom, The Family Crow is a perfect way to start your Halloween celebrations.”
"Proulx’s performance is remarkable."
"Definitely something to crow about!"
“Truly, I was just blown away… If nothing else, you should be coming just to see this performer do his thing.”
-A View From the Box, Toronto-
"A pun-filled, quick witted, one-man puppet show."
- Intermission Magazine, Toronto-
"A pun-drenched whodunnit that stands out as a clever and entertaining highlight of this year’s Fringe."
"Seamless showmanship!"
- My Entertainment World, Toronto-
"Plenty to crow about!"
"Proulx is a focused, energetic and delightful performer, let loose via fluid direction by Byron Laviolette."
"Entertaining chaos. A surefire…crow-d pleaser."
- Broadway World -
"Unflappable! This production soars."
- Edmonton Journal -
“Weird, cuckoo brilliance”
“A bona fide theatrical caws célèbre.”
“Proulx is a virtuoso puppeteer/playwright.”
“The plot is a clever high-flier, and the writing is a stylish delight.”
“If you miss this one, it’s your funeral.”
- Liz Nicholls, Edmonton -
Q: Is the show suitable for kids?
A: It is meant for adults, but it is up to you! Kids as young as six have seen the show. We defer to the parents who, of course, know their kiddos best. There is no swearing or sex or anything. But it IS about a multiple homicide. So, you do you.
Q: Will you come do the show in my town/city/village/hamlet?
A: We'd love to! We are currently booking for 2023-2024. The busiest times are during the summer Fringe season and spooky October. If you are interested in presenting the show, please reach out to [email protected]. If you are not a presenter but just want to see the show come to your town, feel free to reach out and let us know! We will use to it gauge interest going forward.
A: It is meant for adults, but it is up to you! Kids as young as six have seen the show. We defer to the parents who, of course, know their kiddos best. There is no swearing or sex or anything. But it IS about a multiple homicide. So, you do you.
Q: Will you come do the show in my town/city/village/hamlet?
A: We'd love to! We are currently booking for 2023-2024. The busiest times are during the summer Fringe season and spooky October. If you are interested in presenting the show, please reach out to [email protected]. If you are not a presenter but just want to see the show come to your town, feel free to reach out and let us know! We will use to it gauge interest going forward.